Source code for dispaset.misc.gdx_handler

Collection of functions to write Dispa-SET input data to a gdx file and/or to a simulation directory
with one excel file per parameter.

    read gdx file::

        data = GdxToList(gams_dir,'Results.gdx',varname='all',verbose=True)

    write it to a dictionary of dataframes::

        dataframes = GdxToDataframe(data,fixindex=True,verbose=True)

@author: Sylvain Quoilin (

import copy
import logging
import os
import platform
import sys
import time as tm

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .str_handler import shrink_to_64, force_str

[docs]def package_exists(package): # import pkgutil package_loader = pkgutil.find_loader(package) return package_loader is not None
[docs]def import_local_lib(lib): """ Try to import the GAMS api and gdxcc to write gdx files """ # First define the path to the 'Externals' folder. # This path must be defined relatively to the current script location path_script = os.path.dirname(__file__) path_ext = os.path.join(path_script, '../../Externals') if sys.platform == 'win32' and platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit' and sys.version[:3] == '3.7': sys.path.append(os.path.join(path_ext, 'gams_api/win64/')) else: logging.error( 'Pre-compiled GAMS libraries are only available for python 3.7 64 bits under windows. ' 'You are using platform ' + sys.platform + ' and architecture ' + platform.architecture()[0] + 'Please install the gams API using: "pip install gamsxcc gdxcc optcc"') sys.exit(1) if lib == 'gams': try: import gams return True except ImportError: logging.error( 'Could not load the gams high-level api. ' 'The gams library is required to run the GAMS versions of DispaSET.' 'Please install the gams API using: "python install" in the gams api folder') sys.exit(1) elif lib == 'lowlevel': try: import gdxcc, gamsxcc, optcc return True except ImportError: logging.error( 'Could not load the gams low-level api. ' 'The gams library is required to run the GAMS versions of DispaSET.' 'Please install the gams API using: "pip install gamsxcc gdxcc optcc"') sys.exit(1) elif lib == 'gdxcc': try: import gdxcc return True except ImportError: logging.critical("gdxcc module could not be imported from Externals. GDX cannot be produced or read" 'Please install the gams API using: "pip install gamsxcc gdxcc optcc"') sys.exit(1) else: logging.error('Only "gams" and "gdxcc" are present')
if package_exists('gdxcc'): import gdxcc else: logging.warning('Could not import gdxcc. Trying to use pre-compiled libraries') if import_local_lib('gdxcc'): import gdxcc ##################### def _insert_symbols(gdxHandle, sets, parameters): """ Function that writes all sets and parameters to the gdxHandle :param sets: dictionary with all the sets :param parameters: dictionary with all the parameters """ # It is essential to write the sets first, otherwise h might be written in the wrong order for s in sets: gdxSymbolType = gdxcc.GMS_DT_SET dims = 1 gdxcc.gdxDataWriteStrStart(gdxHandle, s, "", dims, gdxSymbolType, 0) gdxValues = gdxcc.doubleArray(5) gdxValues[gdxcc.GMS_VAL_LEVEL] = 0.0 # 0.0 == Y (explanatory text of set in gdx) Nrows = len(sets[s]) for row in range(Nrows): gdxKeys = [str(ss) for ss in shrink_to_64([sets[s][row]])] # Reduce the size if bigger than 64 characters try: success = gdxcc.gdxDataWriteStr(gdxHandle, gdxKeys, gdxValues) except: success = False if not success: logging.error('Key ' + gdxKeys[0] + ' of set ' + s + ' could not be written') gdxcc.gdxDataWriteDone(gdxHandle) # Check array sizes for parameters: for p in parameters: variable = parameters[p] # Check that the required fields are present: dims = len(variable['sets']) shape = variable['val'].shape Nrows = variable['val'].shape[0] gdxSymbolType = gdxcc.GMS_DT_PAR gdxcc.gdxDataWriteStrStart(gdxHandle, p, "", dims, gdxSymbolType, 0) gdxValues = gdxcc.doubleArray(5) gdxValues[gdxcc.GMS_VAL_LEVEL] = 0.0 # 0.0 == Y (explanatory text of set in gdx) if len(shape) != dims: logging.error('Variable ' + p + ': The \'val\' data matrix has ' + str( len(shape)) + ' dimensions and should have ' + str(dims)) sys.exit(1) for i in range(dims): if shape[i] != len(sets[variable['sets'][i]]): logging.error( 'Variable ' + p + ': The \'val\' data matrix has ' + str(shape[i]) + ' elements for dimention ' + str(variable['sets'][i]) + ' while there are ' + str( len(variable['sets'])) + ' set values') sys.exit(1) for index, value in np.ndenumerate(variable['val']): # Write line by line if value is non null if value != 0 and not pd.isnull(value): gdxKeys = [] # All the set values for this line for i in range(dims): key = sets[variable['sets'][i]][ index[i]] # Get the string value of the set by using the indice in the val matrix gdxKeys.append(str(key)) gdxKeys = shrink_to_64(gdxKeys) # Reduce the size if bigger than 64 characters gdxValues[gdxcc.GMS_VAL_LEVEL] = float(value) try: success = gdxcc.gdxDataWriteStr(gdxHandle, gdxKeys, gdxValues) except: logging.error("Didn't work") success = False if not success: logging.error('Key ' + gdxKeys[0] + ' of parameter ' + p + ' could not be written') gdxcc.gdxDataWriteDone(gdxHandle) logging.debug('Parameter ' + p + ' successfully written') logging.debug('Set ' + s + ' successfully written')
[docs]def write_variables(config, gdx_out, list_vars): """ This function performs the following: * Use the gdxcc library to create a gdxHandle instance * Check that the gams path is well defined * Call the 'insert_symbols' function to write all sets and parameters to gdxHandle :param config: Main config dictionary :param gdx_out: (Relative) path to the gdx file to be written :param list_vars: List with the sets and parameters to be written """ gams_dir = get_gams_path(gams_dir=config['GAMS_folder'].encode()) if not gams_dir: # couldn't locate logging.critical('GDXCC: Could not find the specified gams directory: ' + gams_dir) sys.exit(1) gams_dir = force_str(gams_dir) config['GAMS_folder'] = gams_dir # updating the config dictionary gdx_out = force_str(gdx_out) gdxHandle = gdxcc.new_gdxHandle_tp() gdxcc.gdxCreateD(gdxHandle, gams_dir, gdxcc.GMS_SSSIZE) # it accepts only str type gdxcc.gdxOpenWrite(gdxHandle, gdx_out, "") [sets, parameters] = list_vars _insert_symbols(gdxHandle, sets, parameters) gdxcc.gdxClose(gdxHandle)'Data Successfully written to ' + gdx_out)
[docs]def gdx_to_list(gams_dir, filename, varname='all', verbose=False): """original This function loads the gdx with the results of the simulation All results are stored in an unordered list :param gams_dir: Gams working directory :param filename: Path to the gdx file to be read :param varname: In case online one variable is needed, specify it name (otherwise specify 'all') :returns: Dictionary with all the collected values (within lists) """ from gdxcc import gdxSymbolInfo, gdxCreate, gdxCreateD, gdxOpenRead, GMS_SSSIZE, gdxDataReadDone, \ new_gdxHandle_tp, gdxDataReadStr, gdxFindSymbol, gdxErrorStr, gdxDataReadStrStart, gdxGetLastError out = {} tgdx = tm.time() gdxHandle = new_gdxHandle_tp() if gams_dir == None: gdxCreate(gdxHandle, GMS_SSSIZE) else: gdxCreateD(gdxHandle, force_str(gams_dir), GMS_SSSIZE) # make sure the file path is properly formatted: filename = filename.replace('/', os.path.sep).replace('\\\\', os.path.sep).replace('\\', os.path.sep) filename = str(filename) # removing possible unicode formatting if not os.path.isfile(filename): logging.critical('Gdx file "' + filename + '" does not exist') sys.exit(1) gdxOpenRead(gdxHandle, filename) if varname == 'all': # go through all the symbols one by one and add their data to the dict symNr = 0 SymbolInfo = gdxSymbolInfo(gdxHandle, 0) while SymbolInfo[0] > 0: ret, nrRecs = gdxDataReadStrStart(gdxHandle, symNr) assert ret, "Error in gdx data string" + gdxErrorStr(gdxHandle, gdxGetLastError(gdxHandle))[1] res = [] for i in range(nrRecs): ret, elements, values, afdim = gdxDataReadStr(gdxHandle) res.append(elements + [values[0]]) out[SymbolInfo[1]] = res symNr += 1 SymbolInfo = gdxSymbolInfo(gdxHandle, symNr) else: # find the number of the required symbol: ret, symNr = gdxFindSymbol(gdxHandle, varname) assert ret, "Symbol not found" ret, nrRecs = gdxDataReadStrStart(gdxHandle, symNr) assert ret, "Error in gdx data string" + gdxErrorStr(gdxHandle, gdxGetLastError(gdxHandle))[1] res = [] for i in range(nrRecs): ret, elements, values, afdim = gdxDataReadStr(gdxHandle) res.append(elements + [values[0]]) out[varname] = res gdxDataReadDone(gdxHandle) if verbose:"Loading gdx file " + filename + " took {}s".format(tm.time() - tgdx)) return out
[docs]def gdx_to_dataframe(data, fixindex=False, verbose=False): """ This function structures the raw data extracted from a gdx file (using the function GdxToList) and outputs it as a dictionary of pandas dataframes (or series) :param data: Dictionary with all the collected values (within lists), from GdxToList function :param fixindex: This flag allows converting string index into integers and sort the data :returns: dictionary of dataframes """ out = {} tc = tm.time() for symbol in data: if len(data[symbol]) > 0: dim = len(data[symbol][0]) if dim == 3: vars1 = set() for element in data[symbol]: if not element[0] in vars1: vars1.add(element[0]) vals = {} while vars1: vars2 = {} var1 = vars1.pop() for element in data[symbol]: if var1 == element[0]: vars2[element[1]] = element[2] vals[var1] = vars2 out[symbol] = pd.DataFrame(vals) logging.debug('Successfully loaded variable ' + symbol) elif dim == 2: vals = {} for element in data[symbol]: vals[element[0]] = element[1] out[symbol] = pd.Series(vals) logging.debug('Successfully loaded variable ' + symbol) elif dim == 1: logging.warning('Variable ' + symbol + ' has dimension 0, which should not occur. Skipping') elif dim > 4: logging.warning('Variable ' + symbol + ' has more than 2 dimensions, which is very tiring. Skipping') elif dim == 4: vars1 = set() vars2 = set() for element in data[symbol]: if not element[0] in vars1: vars1.add(element[0]) if not element[1] in vars2: vars2.add(element[1]) vars1 = list(vars1) vars2 = list(vars2) pd_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([vars1, vars2], names=('Zones', 'Emissions')) out[symbol] = pd.DataFrame(columns=pd_index, index=out['OutputPower'].index) for element1 in data[symbol]: element = copy.deepcopy(element1) for var1 in vars1: for var2 in vars2: if (var2 == element[1]) and (var1 == element[0]): out[symbol].loc[element[2], (var1, var2)] = element[3] out[symbol].index = out[symbol].index.astype(int) out[symbol].sort_index(inplace=True) out[symbol] = out[symbol].fillna(0) logging.warning('Successfully loaded variable ' + symbol) else: logging.debug('Variable ' + symbol + ' is empty. Skipping') for symbol in out: try: out[symbol].fillna(value=0, inplace=True) except: logging.error('Error while trying to remove nan') pass if fixindex: for symbol in out: try: index_int = [int(idx) for idx in out[symbol].index] out[symbol].index = index_int out[symbol].sort_index(inplace=True) except: pass if verbose:"Time to convert to dataframes: {}s".format(tm.time() - tc)) return out
[docs]def get_gdx(gams_dir, resultfile): """ Short wrapper of the two gdx reading functions (GdxToDataframe and GdxToList) :param gams_dir: Gams working directory :param resultfile: Path to the gdx file to be read :returns: dictionary of dataframes """ return gdx_to_dataframe(gdx_to_list(gams_dir, resultfile, varname='all', verbose=True), fixindex=True, verbose=True)
[docs]def get_gams_path(gams_dir=None): """ Function that attempts to search for the GAMS installation path (required to write the GDX or run gams) It returns the path if it has been found, or an empty string otherwise. If a gams_dir argument is passed it tries to validate before searching Currently works for Windows, Linux and OSX. More searching rules and patterns should be added in the future """ if isinstance(gams_dir, bytes): gams_dir = gams_dir.decode() if gams_dir is not None: if os.path.isdir(gams_dir): return gams_dir.encode() else: logging.warning('The provided path for GAMS (' + gams_dir + ') does not exist. Trying to locate...') import subprocess out = None # first check if the gams path is defined as environment variable. if "GAMSPATH" in os.environ: logging.debug('Using GAMSPATH environmental variable {} '.format(os.environ['GAMSPATH'])) return os.environ['GAMSPATH'] try: from shutil import which out = which('gams') if out is not None: out = os.path.dirname(out) except ImportError: logging.warning("Couldn't use which to locate gams.") # Else try to locate if sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'linux': try: tmp = subprocess.check_output(['locate', '-i', '']).decode() except: tmp = '' lines = tmp.split('\n') for line in lines: path = line.strip('') if os.path.exists(path): out = path break elif sys.platform == 'win32': paths = ['C:\\GAMS', 'C:\\Program Files\\GAMS', 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\GAMS'] lines_32 = [] lines_64 = [] for path in paths: if os.path.exists(path): paths_32 = [path + os.sep + tmp for tmp in os.listdir(path) if tmp.startswith('win32') and os.path.exists(path + os.sep + tmp)] paths_64 = [path + os.sep + tmp for tmp in os.listdir(path) if tmp.startswith('win64') and os.path.exists(path + os.sep + tmp)] for path1 in paths_32: lines_32 = lines_32 + [path1 + os.sep + tmp for tmp in os.listdir(path1) if tmp.startswith('24') and os.path.isfile( path1 + os.sep + tmp + os.sep + 'gams.exe')] for path1 in paths_64: lines_64 = lines_64 + [path1 + os.sep + tmp for tmp in os.listdir(path1) if tmp.startswith('24') and os.path.isfile( path1 + os.sep + tmp + os.sep + 'gams.exe')] for line in lines_64: if os.path.exists(line): out = line break if out is None: # The 32-bit version of gams should never be preferred for line in lines_32: if os.path.exists(line): out = line logging.critical('It seems that the installed version of gams is 32-bit, which might cause consol ' 'crashing and compatibility problems. Please consider using GAMS 64-bit') break elif sys.platform == 'darwin': paths = ['/Applications/'] lines = [] for path in paths: if os.path.exists(path): paths1 = [path + os.sep + tmp for tmp in os.listdir(path) if tmp.startswith('GAMS') and os.path.exists(path + os.sep + tmp)] for path1 in paths1: lines = lines + [path1 + os.sep + tmp for tmp in os.listdir(path1) if tmp.startswith('sysdir') and os.path.isfile( path1 + os.sep + tmp + os.sep + 'gams')] if len(lines) == 0: tmp = subprocess.check_output(['mdfind', '-name', 'libgamscall64.dylib']) lines = [x.strip('libgamscall64.dylib') for x in tmp.split('\n')] for line in lines: if os.path.exists(line): out = line break if out is not None:'Detected ' + out + ' as GAMS path on this computer') else: tmp = input('Specify the path to GAMS within quotes (e.g. "C:\\\\GAMS\\\\win64\\\\24.3"): ') if os.path.isdir(tmp): if sys.platform == 'win32': if os.path.isfile(tmp + os.sep + 'gams.exe'): out = tmp else: logging.critical('The provided path is not a valid windows gams folder') return False elif sys.platform == 'linux2': if os.path.isfile(tmp + os.sep + 'gamslib'): # does not always work... gamslib_ml out = tmp else: logging.critical('The provided path is not a valid linux gams folder') return False else: if os.path.isdir(tmp): out = tmp return out